Building Blocks Preschool
Register now for the 2025-2026 school year!
Building Blocks Preschool Building Blocks Registration

As we at Good Shepherd seek to live out our mission to Follow Christ, Grow in Faith, and Share God’s Love, we affirm that every person has worth, is unique and made in the image of God.

Since it is together that we best reflect God’s abundant grace and love, we affirm that all are welcome here: people of all races, ethnicities and cultures; all gender identities and sexual orientations; every marital status and family configuration; all levels of physical and mental ability; and every economic status and age.

Please join us in our mission and share fully in the communal life of this congregation through worship, fellowship, leadership, and through all the rites and sacraments we celebrate together.

We are glad you’re here! You belong.

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