July 21, 2024 - John 10 - Pastor Josh

A God-First Life: Week 1 - Abundant Life

SERMON NOTES: Bible Reading: John 10:1-16

Shocking Statistics

  1. Gallop Poll 2021:

In 2021, more Americans did not belong to a house of worship than those that did.

U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time,” 2021

  1. The Great Dechurching:

There are 40 million people in the United States today that used to attend church and no longer do.

“The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?” by Jim Davis and Michael Graham with Ryan Burge, 2023

  1. Key Ideas
  • If we want to address this, the greatest challenge of the Church in our lifetime, we must be crystal clear on our motivation.
  • Do we believe that being a part of the Church is important for people’s lives?
  • Do we believe that Jesus is important for people’s lives?
  • If so… why?

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. – John 10:10

  • Following Jesus isn’t just about heaven someday it is about life, now, about the life God created you to live.


III. A God-First Life includes:

  1. Beloved identity - not an “if” identity.
  2. Deep Purpose - we are part of something bigger than ourselves
  3. Abundant Time - not a scarcity of time or a life of busyness
  4. Joyful Community – the antidote to the epidemic of loneliness and despair

Questions & Tools


  1. What is one practical thing you can change in your life right now that will help keep God first? (bible? Prayer? Chalk wall bible verse?)
  2. What is Jesus asking you to move into 2nd place so he can be first?

Practical Tools:

  • Ask yourself: “Have you prayed today?”
    • A simple saying that reminds us to keep God in our focus
    • A practice that helps us notice God’s presence and work around us
  • Ask someone: “How can I be praying for you?”
    • This simple question communicates big things.
      • It says: I care about you enough to keep you on my mind and in my heart
      • It invites them space to open up and share more about whatever is going on in their life
      • It shares you are a person who prays in a gentle, respectful way
      • It creates an opportunity to reconnect later and deepen the relationship