Pastor Varinia - Matthew 5:13-16
Small Group Guide: Being Salt
Opening Question:
- What's your relationship with salt in your daily life? Do you use it often, avoid it, or have any interesting experiences with it?
Key Takeaways:
1. Jesus describes our identity as "salt of the earth" - it's who we are, not just what we have.
2. Being salt means influencing the world around us in a positive, gracious way.
3. We can lose our "saltiness" if we don't live differently from the world.
4. Our words and actions should reflect our identity in Christ.
Discussion Questions:
1. What does it mean to you personally to be the "salt of the earth"?
2. How can we be "salty" in our everyday interactions without being overbearing?
3. The sermon mentions being gracious in our speech. Can you share an example of when you've seen this done well?
4. What are some areas in your life where you feel you might be losing your "saltiness"?
5. How can we balance being "in the world" while maintaining our distinct Christian identity?
Bible Verse for Reflection:
Read Colossians 4:6 together: "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
- What does this verse add to our understanding of being "salt"?
Practical Applications:
1. Social Media Challenge: Before posting anything this week, ask yourself, "Is this seasoned with salt? Does it reflect my identity in Christ?"
2. Gracious Speech Exercise: Practice responding to a disagreement or criticism with graciousness this week. Share your experience at the next meeting.
3. Salt in Action: Identify one area in your community or workplace where you can be a positive influence this week. Take action and report back.
4. Reflection Journal: Each day this week, write down one way you were "salt" in your interactions with others.