Small Group Guide: Suffering and Grace
Opening Prayer
Bible: Luke 13:1-9
Key Takeaways:
- Suffering and tragedy are not punishments from God or indicators of a lack of faith.
- The Church is called to be a "gardener," nurturing those who are marginalized.
- A theology of the cross teaches us that God is present in suffering and calls us to address systemic issues that contribute to tragedy and injustice.
Discussion Questions:
- Pastor Amy mentions Archbishop Oscar Romero and his advocacy for the poor. Can you think of modern-day examples of religious leaders or organizations standing up for marginalized groups? How does this reflect Jesus' teachings?
- Jesus clearly states that tragedies are not punishments from God. How does this perspective challenge or affirm your own understanding of suffering? How might this change the way we respond to others who are going through difficult times?
- In what ways do we sometimes fall into the trap of blaming victims for their misfortunes, and how can we cultivate a more compassionate and nuanced perspective?
- Reflect on the parable of the fig tree. How does interpreting the Church as the gardener, rather than Jesus, change the meaning of the story? What responsibilities does this interpretation place on us as members of the Church?
- Pastor Amy suggests that we should examine the systems that allow or contribute to suffering. Can you think of examples where this approach might lead to positive change?
- In what ways does a 'theology of the cross' change our understanding of where God is present and active in the world? How might this impact our mission and outreach as a church?
- Pastor Amy ends by saying that God is not "keeping score" of our sins. How might this understanding of God's grace impact how we live our lives and treat others?
Practical Applications:
- This week, identify a "fig tree" in your community - a person or group that might be overlooked or struggling. Brainstorm ways you could offer support or care.
- Reflect on times when you've experienced suffering. How did your faith community respond? Based on today's discussion, how might you support others differently in the future?
- Research a systemic issue in your community that contributes to suffering (e.g., homelessness, food insecurity). Identify one concrete action you can take to address this issue.
- Want to hone your actual gardening skills as a way to remember our call to be good gardeners in other ways? Contact the team that works on our community garden and offer to help!
Closing Prayer:
God of mercy, you meet us with love and compassion in the shadows of death, working to bring us new life. As we reflect on Jesus’ suffering on the cross, help us to see that we, too, are called to live with compassion, extending grace to those who hurt, in the name of Jesus. Amen.