Small Groups, Bible Studies, and other smaller groups are one of the most effective vehicles to develop deep relationships with others at Good Shepherd. We want every single person at Good Shepherd to be known and be connected. Small Groups, by nature, require a regular and ongoing commitment. Here are some of the small groups available for you to join:
GSLC Book Club:
3rd Tuesday of month | 7:00pm in Fireside Room | Contact Emily Horning
Mission Sewing:
Join us in sewing children’s outfits for overseas. Contact the
church office
Parenting Group:
Engage with other parents of young children to share lessons learned, new ideas, and other ways to support each other as parents in a challenging world. We meet monthly on Sunday morning. Contact Emily Horning.
Prayer Shawl Ministry:
3rd Tuesday of month | 10 am in the Fireside Room | Contact the
church office
Mission Garden:
Help plant and tend a vegetable and herb garden to support area food pantries. The garden is located at Good Shepherd. Contact the
church office.
Basecamp Men’s Group:
Men gather for bible study, prayer, service, and fellowship. Meets monthly on Sunday afternoons. Contact Tim Sorensen
Gaming Group:
We meet once a month in the Gym on Saturday evenings. If you would like to join us contact Andrew Leach.
If you are looking for a way to get involved, connected, and build meaningful relationships with others at Good Shepherd, Small Group Ministry is a great opportunity. Small Groups typically (but not always) meet in people’s homes, rotating among group members, and usually include some form of bible study or faith conversations and growth. Many groups meet around food (which we all love, right?!) and try to find ways to serve together throughout the year. If you are interested in being a part of a small group or want to know more please contact: Pastor Amy Stewart