"An Unlikely Lutheran" - Dave's Story

Dave Naffziger

“It’s impossible not to appreciate the miracle of life,” Dave says as he remembers his childhood on the farm in Iowa. Memories of calves, piglets, and baby chicks hatching from eggs still bring him joy. Another significant part of Dave’s early life was growing up as a Mennonite. His family farm was near the boundary line between two rural school districts, and he had no idea that a young Lutheran girl named Pat was growing up just across the district line and would one day become his wife. Although nearly neighbors most of their life, Dave and Pat never met one another until attending the University of Northern Iowa (UNI). It was the beginning of a life they would spend together.

After graduation Pat became an elementary teacher, and Dave went on to graduate school to become a chemist. Dave’s work took them to different places around the country over the years, but they eventually landed in St. Louis. Through all these years Dave had always cherished his Mennonite faith, so when they came to St. Louis, they found a Mennonite church and joined. “There is only one Mennonite church in the St. Louis area,” Dave shared, “and it was pretty far from where we lived.” They were very active for a while, but over time, they began to attend less and less. Distance and other factors led them to eventually stop participating altogether. Dave and Pat had always been Christians and a part of a faith community, so this was a very strange season for them. For the first time in their lives, an entire year passed without attending a church at all. Something was missing. They both felt it. One day Pat turned to Dave and said, “we need to find a church.” Dave agreed and they came up with a very precise plan (Dave is a scientist, after all). “You pick two, and I’ll pick two,” Dave said, “and we will visit them together.”

After a year of going without, they finally ventured out to worship again. The first week they went to a church close their home where Pat had done some work with the preschool. “It was ok,” Dave remembers, “but it wasn’t for us.”

The second week they visited Good Shepherd, and they were greeted by Carter Pederson. Carter was a man who had the spiritual gift of hospitality, and his gift was legendary. Carter led Good Shepherd’s Welcome Team for many years, and that morning he began to get to know their story, including their different denominational backgrounds. “We welcome everyone here,” Carter said, “no exceptions.” As Dave listened to the sermon that morning, Pastor Wolf’s message had a profound impact on him, and he knew God had led them here. “I haven’t really told anyone this,” Dave emotionally says, “but the Holy Spirit came down.” On the way out, as they walked through the crowded church parking lot, the noise of 141 traffic in the background, Dave turned to Pat and said, “This is going to be our church.” Pat could not believe what she heard from her beloved, life-long Mennonite husband. “You said you would never go to a Lutheran church!” They have been here ever since.

Today they are grateful for their incredible small group and they love being a part of a church that serves the community and strives to welcome people of all different backgrounds and experiences without exception. Dave and Pat now serve on the Welcome Team to help ensure others have that same first-moment experience of hospitality they received from Carter when they walked in.

Thank you for your generosity which supports our Small Group Ministry, Welcome Ministry and our service ministries. Thank you for your incredible hospitality that continues to make this dream of Christ’s beloved community a reality for people like Dave and Pat.