Your Endowment Committee is pleased to announce the following grants:
2024 Grants:
$1,800 Love U2 Pieces -scholarship
2023 Grants:
$3,000 Camp Tomah Shinga – Summer staff sponsorship
$5,000 GSLC “Middle” Room Renovation
$5,000 Veteran’s Community Project – 10 recliners for the tiny house resettlement home community
$500 GSLC Visitation and Care Ministry
$5,000 EWALU – Bible camp & retreat center
$3,000 Global Outreach International, Caren Abraham
$1,000 Medical Life Lines – Ukraine
$100 GSFFAM Puppet Ministry
2022 Grants:
- $5,000 Lutheran World Relief- Ukraine
- $5,000 Start Inc.- Welcome Neighbor STL
- $5,000 Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
- $380 Parkway Food Pantry
- $4,000 Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Principe de Paz
$19,380 Total 2022 Grants
2021 Grants:
- $2,500 With God’s Little Ones
- $2,500 Embrace a Village
- $5,000 Feed My Starving Children
- $5,000 God’s Helping Hands
- $3,000 Loaves & Fishes STL
- $2,500 Camp Tomah Shinga
- $5,000 Camp Wartburg
- $5,000 EWALU- bible camp
- $7,000 Good Shepherd’s FLY Ministry
- $5,000 Int’l Institute St. Louis
- $5,000 Lutheran World Relief
$47,500 Total 2021 Grants
2020 Grants:
- $3,000 Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service
- $3,000 Lexi Swain- Iliff School of Theology Scholarship
- $2,500 Camp Tomah Shinga
- $5,000 Show Me Campaign- GSLC Audio Visual equipment
- $350 With God’s Little Ones
- $4,000 Home Sweet Home
$17,850 Total 2020 Grants
2019 Grants:
- $1,800 Community of Hope Haiti
- $5,000 Bravely St. Louis
- $5,000 Home Sweet Home
- $3,000 Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services
- $1,200 Fellowship Forever Abilities Matter
- $4,000 KU Campus Ministry Internship
$20,000 Total 2019 Grants
2018 Grants:
- $5,000 to Magdalene House St. Louis to support battered and abused women with three months of food
- $800 to the GSLC WHIRL Relationship Team to help buy tables and chairs to create a Narthex space for relationship-building among members and visitors.
- $5,000 to Wings of Love and Care ministry in Benton Park for mission-related facility upgrades
- $5,000 to the Campaign for the ELCA for global mission work
- $660 to the GSLC Community Garden for upgraded fencing, irrigation and netting
- $5,000 to Wartburg Seminary student Dan Johnson
- $5,000 to Wartburg Seminary Endowment
- $1,000 to ELCUSFE Jeep Project for Lutheran ministers
- $5,000 to Feed My Starving Children
- $4,800 to Beyond Housing
- $750 to GSLC Kidsports
- $1,896 for ELCA Disaster Response
- $1,232 to Wartburg College Choir
$41,138 Total 2018 Grants
2017 Grants:
- Mission Garden $1,000
- Mission Sewing $1,000
- Feed My Starving Children $10,000
- Campaign for the ELCA-World Hunger $5,000
- Habitat for Humanity $5,000
- Young Adults in Global Mission- Amy Kallansrud $5,000
- With God’s Little Ones $2,500
- Magdalene St. Louis House $1,000
$30,500 Total 2017 Grants